Bowl for Kids 2020 is going Virtual
To follow social distancing recommendations, we are making adjustments to bring the fun to you. Wednesday July 15 – Wednesday July 22, 2020 Bowling Times = whatever time you select on those days How to take part: Design your own Bowling Alley—get creative, design your own bowling alley at home! Use any materials you have […]
Mentors need now more than ever
Mentors needed . . . Many of our youth are struggling to stay connected during social isolation. They feel lost, alone, and anxious. That’s why we are working to create matches virtually. We need mentors now more than ever to help our youth feel connected. Email to find out how you can start making […]
Great Canadian Giving Challenge
The Great Canadian Giving Challenge – we could win $20,000! $20,000 could help us to create life changing relationships for vulnerable youth in our community. By donating to Big Brothers Big Sisters on this month, we will receive 1 ballot for each dollar donated towards the draw of $20,000 Your donation will support the virtual mentoring […]
Great Canadian Giving Challenge
The Great Canadian Giving Challenge is here! Help us win $20,000! Every donation made to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lloydminster from June 1 – June 30, 2020 on enters us in the draw made on July 1, 2020 for $20,000. A ballot is given for each $1 donated to our organization on Go to…/big-brothers-big-sisters-asso… to […]
Become a virtual mentor
Have you considered volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters? There are no skills required, just the desire to make a difference and have fun. We are creating and supporting our matches virtually. Did you know that the average wait time for a mentor for young girls is 6 months to 1 year and for young […]