How can you support our virtual mentoring programs?



How can you make a difference in our community?

There are several ways to make inspire the potential in youth in our community:

  1. Become a mentor and meet with a child or youth once a week to do activities that interest both of you.  We can get you started virtually – completing the application process online and then matching you virtually until current restrictions are lifted.
  2. Purchase a Coop coupon sheet for $25 – coupons expire in August 2020  
  3. Purchase a Panago pizza coupon for $12 and receive a free medium pizza.
  4. Make a donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters directly by visiting or mailing a donation to us at #3 4301 49 Avenue,  Lloydminster, SK  S9V 0S5

Give us a call at 306 825 5757, or email for information or to arrange coupon pickup.